
  • Causes and treatments for burning legs

    It is common to feel burning legs during exercise, or because of sunburn. Other medical conditions can cause nerve damage, which may lead to a burning sensation.

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  • Is Partial Knee Replacement Right For You?

    The partial knee replacement surgical procedure has generated significant interest because it uses a smaller incision and has a faster recovery than full knee replacement surgery. Partial knee replacement is a type of and minimally invasive surgery. The idea is to remove only the most damaged areas of cartilage from the joint and leave any healthy parts of the joint for continued use.

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  • What is claudication?

    Claudication is muscular pain, cramping, or fatigue that typically occurs during exercise and goes away with rest.

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  • How to strengthen your knee

    The knee is the largest joint in the body. People use it heavily every day as they walk, run, climb, or jump. As a result, it is also very prone to injury and pain. When these occur, a doctor may recommend exercises to help a person strengthen the muscles around the knee.

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  • Common Cause of Pain With Hip Bursitis

    When the bursa becomes inflamed, each time the tendon has to move over the bone, pain results. Because patients with hip bursitis move this tendon with each step, symptoms of this condition can be quite painful.

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